
EasyApache 4 and you!

EasyApache 4 and you!

For all cPanel administrators, EasyApache is a commonly used tool for setting up and configuring all your Apache needs. It lets us use an easy to navigate web GUI to configure and compile Apache and PHP modules.

Well the cPanel DEV’s have come up with a new version of EasyApache that now provides us with faster build times and several new options that were once only available with third-party applications.

With those third-party apps we were still limited on what versions of Apache and PHP we could use. These third-party apps do the job, but still limit us.

Now, with EasyApache 4 we can achieve these things natively without the use of any third-party apps. cPanel has provided us better integrations with RedHat and CentOS operating systems, automatic updates for Apache and as well as complete support for Multi-PHP versioning.

That’s just a few of the new features available in EasyApache 4. There are several more that I think are really a step in the right direction.

You can find more information about EasyApache 4 here.


At this point EasyApache 4 is still in Beta but is available for testing and is considered to be a final version for release.

The official release date is not yet posted, however we have tested it and it works great.

For help with upgrading to the new version or questions, just shoot us an email or create a ticket.

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About three years ago we were looking for a new server provider, the problem that we were having was we are not “server guys” and we had over 400 clients to take care of. So anytime we tried to get support we had to submit a ticket, try to explain what was going on, and then pray that the response was in some form that we could understand.

After the on-boarding with Green Olive Tree, they told us that we had twice as much server than we needed and they were not set up right. Thank goodness we have found someone that really looked at what we want to do and gave us real actionable advice. It is safe to say that we have found our server company, and now we can focus on growing out business and not have to worry about the reliability of our support.

Thanks again Green Olive Tree, You Guys Rock!

John Owens

Green Olive Tree has been an invaluable resource to my company allowing me to focus more on my business instead of the management of servers. In the five years I have done business with GOT I have had zero downtime. Knowing that everything is being kept up-to-date and they are proactively patching system flaws gives me peace of mind that I didn’t have before finding Green Olive Tree. Jon has always made himself available when I’ve needed advice or help on upgrading servers or software and I can’t imagine ever going back to managing a server without GOT.

Chris Smith

Green Olive Tree has been very good to us. Jon has helped us scale from 200,000 unique’s visitors a day to over 3 million per day. From 1 server to now 14 on a well-structured load balanced failsafe system. Not only that he has managed to reduce our server resources 3 fold by installing the right kind of software so we’re getting more power out of each server for the same price. He always responds very quickly and stays up at all kinds of crazy hours to help us out, the man never sleeps! I guess that’s why he was a Navy Chief, he brings that discipline into his work and that’s what we love.

Anthony Lipari

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