Performance Review
We use many tools to analyze your site and server for performance bottlenecks and provide full recommendations on optimizing!
Wordpress Hacked?
Let one of our Wordpress Security Specialist evaluate your site Today!
Server Management
We monitor your server 24 hours a day and promptly resolve issues, often before you notice problem is there.
Network Monitoring
The most advanced and secure network monitoring system available, focusing on performance and usability.
Managed Cloud Servers
We offer hosting solutions to small businesses and high traffic websites alike.

Managed Servers/Infrastructure
Green Olive Tree is at its core a Managed Hosting provider. We have built our expertise around server management and Managed Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) hosting solutions for every company that needs an Internet presence. We are not provider-centric. We work with any cloud computing providers such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud, Azure and various cloud and dedicated server hosting providers such as IBM/SoftLayer, Linode, Digital Ocean and others. We are provider-agnostic and are happy to work with whatever data-center/IaaS provider you have or prefer. We also maintain our own Data-center located in Richmond, Virginia.
Professional Service
Green Olive Tree is here to help. We’re completely US-based
so you never have to worry about dealing with an impersonal
foreign call center. While we provide services to IT
professionals, we also work with the IT-illiterate, so if that’s
you, you don’t need to worry about what you don’t know. Our
server management team is here to assist you, Please
contact us today.

Trust us to host
your business.
Green Olive Tree has been in the Managed Hosting business for over 15 years. We have the expertise to build and manage an infrastructure perfect for your needs.
Did we mention we are also a
veteran owned business?