As a business owner, one of your main objectives should be to keep sensitive information in your possession safe. If you want to outsmart modern hackers, you have to learn more about the schemes they use to gain access to sensitive information. You also need to make sure your employees are aware of these scams and how to react when faced with one. 

Email phishing is involved in nearly 35 percent of all data breaches. The emails sent out by cybercriminals contain either a link to a malware-filled website or an attachment filled with viruses. 

If you want to provide your team with the tools they need to avoid these common attacks, here are some things they should know. 

1. Phishing Emails Are Getting Very Sophisticated

Some employees have a habit of simply skimming their email inboxes. In the past, it was easy to spot phishing emails that originated overseas due to the grammatical and stylistic errors they contained. Modern hackers have caught on to this and are starting to make their emails far more sophisticated. 

There are a number of tools that help hackers clean up these emails and ensure they appeal to their target audience. This is why you need to make sure your employees know the importance of reading emails very closely before clicking any attachments or links. 

2. Spoofed Email Addresses Are Commonly Used in Phishing Attacks

When receiving an email from an unknown sender, the first thing most people do is look at the email address. If this address appears to be tied to a reputable business or government organization, a person might let their guard down. Email spoofing is a common practice used by hackers. 

Spoofing is when a hacker uses a legitimate-looking email address to fool a person. In most cases, this address will be followed by a random email address. Getting fooled by spoofing and clicking on a link or file attachment can be disastrous. This is why you need to adequately educate your employees about this tactic. 

3. Phishing Links Are Often Hidden in Attachments 

Generally speaking, all phishing emails will contain a link. However, some of these links are hidden. To avoid detection by email security filters, hackers are starting to put these links in PDF and Word document attachments. When these links are provided in this way, they can appear safe to email security filters. An IT services provider will advise your employees to hover over attachments in emails to see what links are embedded in them. 

If the employee detects that a suspicious link is embedded in the attachment, they should avoid opening it at all costs. With this knowledge, your employees can act as the first line of defense against these types of cyberattacks. A well-educated team will also be more productive and engaged. 

Rather than waiting until your servers are breached by a phishing scam to take action, you need to stay one step ahead of this problem. With the help of a reputable IT provider, you can keep your sensitive information protected. 

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About three years ago we were looking for a new server provider, the problem that we were having was we are not “server guys” and we had over 400 clients to take care of. So anytime we tried to get support we had to submit a ticket, try to explain what was going on, and then pray that the response was in some form that we could understand.

After the on-boarding with Green Olive Tree, they told us that we had twice as much server than we needed and they were not set up right. Thank goodness we have found someone that really looked at what we want to do and gave us real actionable advice. It is safe to say that we have found our server company, and now we can focus on growing out business and not have to worry about the reliability of our support.

Thanks again Green Olive Tree, You Guys Rock!

John Owens

Green Olive Tree has been an invaluable resource to my company allowing me to focus more on my business instead of the management of servers. In the five years I have done business with GOT I have had zero downtime. Knowing that everything is being kept up-to-date and they are proactively patching system flaws gives me peace of mind that I didn’t have before finding Green Olive Tree. Jon has always made himself available when I’ve needed advice or help on upgrading servers or software and I can’t imagine ever going back to managing a server without GOT.

Chris Smith

Green Olive Tree has been very good to us. Jon has helped us scale from 200,000 unique’s visitors a day to over 3 million per day. From 1 server to now 14 on a well-structured load balanced failsafe system. Not only that he has managed to reduce our server resources 3 fold by installing the right kind of software so we’re getting more power out of each server for the same price. He always responds very quickly and stays up at all kinds of crazy hours to help us out, the man never sleeps! I guess that’s why he was a Navy Chief, he brings that discipline into his work and that’s what we love.

Anthony Lipari

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