cPanel 11.46

Last week, cPanel released version 11.46 to its Release tree which is what most servers run on.  Many servers have already gotten the latest version or will in the next couple of days.  There are, however, a couple of requirements that will prevent the new version from getting installe.d  More on that in a bit.

The big new features are:

– Single Sign On for default email account-Login to your email account through cPanel
– ModSecurityâ„¢ Tools and Configuration – Added interface that allows you to manage mod security
– Paper Lantern – cPanel’s modern theme allows you to add custom content to the cPanel interface
– MySQL backups include triggers and events
– Added record types for the Advanced DNS Zone Editor – Now supports AAAA and SRV record types
– Apache SpamAssassin upgrade
– Mass edit for TTL

There are a few things that will prevent the installation of 11.46.

– MySQL 5.0 or earlier
– FrontPage Extensions
– Less than 2.8 GB free on /usr

MySQL 5.1 was requires for the last major release of cPanel so most of you already have this.  5.1 and above will allow the latest version to install, but if you do have 5.1, your end users will be seeing a messages that tells them to ask you to upgrade.  MySQL 5.5 is really the standard for cPanel at this point and you should consider having us upgrade it if we have not already.

FrontPage extensions lost support a while ago as we have informed you previously.  cPanel has taken this to the next step though and that is that FrontPage extensions to to be completely removed before it will allow 11.46 to be installed.  You can find an option in WHM called uninstall FrontPage Extensions.  This option will remove the extensions from any sites that have them installed and then remove the system files.  We will be happy to assist you with this.

We are also seeing updates fail on systems that do not have at least 2.8 GB free on the /usr partition.  This could pose a real problem for servers with a lot of domains.  Several datacenters have been provisioning /usr as a 10 GB partition and that is simply too small with the way cPanel has grown.  We have some things we can move around, but I know a few of you have endemic issues in this regard and this will be a show stopper for updates.  Feel free to contact us and we can discuss options.

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About three years ago we were looking for a new server provider, the problem that we were having was we are not “server guys” and we had over 400 clients to take care of. So anytime we tried to get support we had to submit a ticket, try to explain what was going on, and then pray that the response was in some form that we could understand.

After the on-boarding with Green Olive Tree, they told us that we had twice as much server than we needed and they were not set up right. Thank goodness we have found someone that really looked at what we want to do and gave us real actionable advice. It is safe to say that we have found our server company, and now we can focus on growing out business and not have to worry about the reliability of our support.

Thanks again Green Olive Tree, You Guys Rock!

John Owens

Green Olive Tree has been an invaluable resource to my company allowing me to focus more on my business instead of the management of servers. In the five years I have done business with GOT I have had zero downtime. Knowing that everything is being kept up-to-date and they are proactively patching system flaws gives me peace of mind that I didn’t have before finding Green Olive Tree. Jon has always made himself available when I’ve needed advice or help on upgrading servers or software and I can’t imagine ever going back to managing a server without GOT.

Chris Smith

Green Olive Tree has been very good to us. Jon has helped us scale from 200,000 unique’s visitors a day to over 3 million per day. From 1 server to now 14 on a well-structured load balanced failsafe system. Not only that he has managed to reduce our server resources 3 fold by installing the right kind of software so we’re getting more power out of each server for the same price. He always responds very quickly and stays up at all kinds of crazy hours to help us out, the man never sleeps! I guess that’s why he was a Navy Chief, he brings that discipline into his work and that’s what we love.

Anthony Lipari

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