Should managed hosting be considered for your business? The operation of an online store or your company’s website can be a stressful and tedious process. That is why you must consider utilizing a fully managed hosting service to eliminate these hassles.

Relying on a server management provider makes it easier for you to dedicate more time to running your online business.

Do you need more reasons to invest in a server management provider? Keep reading to learn more benefits of using managed hosting for your business.

  1. Reliable Server Monitoring

Reliable server monitoring from a reputable company enables you to sustain the smooth operation of your online business. Hiring a professional is also beneficial if you don’t have the required skills to monitor your servers.

Professional service providers possess a special set of skills to provide you with the best server monitoring that you’re unable to perform. The services they deliver facilitate the process of running an online website.

  1. Expert Security

A cyber attack has the potential to cause major downtime to your website. Cyber-attacks are difficult for you to prevent on your own. When you’re operating your digital business, you might worry about malicious threats that could harm your website.

A server management service can provide you with expert security, reducing your risk of cyber- attacks that could potentially harm your business. Hosting providers can assist you with virus scanning, spam filtering, OS updates, monitoring suspicious website traffic, and other services.

  1. Reliable Support

You have access to a reliable staff that specializes in helping you to keep up with the speed of your business. You have the guarantee of getting reliable support from the best technicians around the clock.

You also have the convenience to maintain good communication with your server management provider and to get rapid solutions for your problems.

  1. Data Loss Prevention

Data loss can occur at any time and have a detrimental impact on the operation of your company. In the event of a server crash, data loss can be extremely expensive and difficult for you to recover from.

So, you must ensure that you can rely on a system that backs up your data regularly. Data backups ensure that everything is secure and gives you peace of mind.

Get the Managed Web Hosting that Aligns With Your Business Goals

Terrible scenarios can occur without managed web hosting. Nowadays, it’s easier than ever for you to get the perfect web hosting that fits your business goals.

Regardless if you have a large or small business, you have the option to rely on the right service to ensure your website’s daily operations.

A team of highly trained, responsive, and dedicated professionals can provide you with the custom solution that works for you. Please contact us for general inquiries or if you need a server management provider.

We don't mean to brag but...

These are some of our statistics:

Avg Response Time
Server Uptime
Issues Fixed
Trees Planted

What Our Customers
Have To Say

About three years ago we were looking for a new server provider, the problem that we were having was we are not “server guys” and we had over 400 clients to take care of. So anytime we tried to get support we had to submit a ticket, try to explain what was going on, and then pray that the response was in some form that we could understand.

After the on-boarding with Green Olive Tree, they told us that we had twice as much server than we needed and they were not set up right. Thank goodness we have found someone that really looked at what we want to do and gave us real actionable advice. It is safe to say that we have found our server company, and now we can focus on growing out business and not have to worry about the reliability of our support.

Thanks again Green Olive Tree, You Guys Rock!

John Owens

Green Olive Tree has been an invaluable resource to my company allowing me to focus more on my business instead of the management of servers. In the five years I have done business with GOT I have had zero downtime. Knowing that everything is being kept up-to-date and they are proactively patching system flaws gives me peace of mind that I didn’t have before finding Green Olive Tree. Jon has always made himself available when I’ve needed advice or help on upgrading servers or software and I can’t imagine ever going back to managing a server without GOT.

Chris Smith

Green Olive Tree has been very good to us. Jon has helped us scale from 200,000 unique’s visitors a day to over 3 million per day. From 1 server to now 14 on a well-structured load balanced failsafe system. Not only that he has managed to reduce our server resources 3 fold by installing the right kind of software so we’re getting more power out of each server for the same price. He always responds very quickly and stays up at all kinds of crazy hours to help us out, the man never sleeps! I guess that’s why he was a Navy Chief, he brings that discipline into his work and that’s what we love.

Anthony Lipari

Call us today at (800) 269-6465
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